No doubt, you’ll have lots of kids around on the 4th of July and here’s a super easy and impressive dessert they can make after they finish the neighborhood Independence Day parade.

In your near- by grocery store grab (or if you’re like me, just order by Instacart

·         1 frozen pound cake

·         Fresh blueberries

·         Strawberries

·         Whipped cream

·         Fancy toothpicks

At- home you’ll need:

1 inch star or flower-shaped cookie cutter

Do this:

·         Cut frozen pound cake into ½ inch slices then cut out each slice with cookie cutter

·         Start with one cake cut-out, top with a thinly-sliced strawberry, followed by whipped cream and another pound cake cut-out. Repeat until you have a stack slightly less tall than the toothpicks you are using. Done!


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